Health & leisure
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Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
Health Care
Answer a few questions to help you access nearby primary care options as quickly as possible.
The Need a Family Practice Registry assists Nova Scotians who are looking for a primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner).
VirtualCareNS provides Nova Scotians with virtual access to a primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner).
Pharmacist-led clinics providing primary care services at no charge to people with a valid Nova Scotia Health Card.
The Nova Scotia Seniors’ Pharmacare program is a provincial drug insurance plan that helps members with the cost of their prescription drugs.
To become a member, you must live in Nova Scotia, have a valid Nova Scotia Health Card, be at least 65 years old, and not have prescription drug coverage under any other plan or programs.
The Bloom Program is a community pharmacy initiative designed to increase and improve mental health and addiction care for Nova Scotians.
Community Mental Health and Addictions includes a team of mental health and addictions professionals who provide services on an outpatient basis. The team provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment, and outreach services that can help people to manage mental illness, addictions and concurrent disorders.
Fitness & Recreation
Forever Fit is a physical fitness and health education program for participants over 55 years. The class is offered two to three times per week in eight locations in community centres across Halifax and Dartmouth.
Community Recreation & Wellness is your go-to source for leisure options, tips to help you live more, connections to resources and solutions to issues that concern you, your parents and even your children.
With over 50 community and recreation centres around the municipality, Halifax Recreation offers a variety of recreation programs to children, youth, adults and seniors year-round.
The Canada Games Centre offers a variety of Drop-in Fitness Classes, Aquatics Programs, Recreation Programs, Fitness Programs, Court & Swim Times.
The Community Health Team offers FREE in person group wellness programs and navigation services in the greater Halifax area to those age 18 and older.
Seniors centres
Spencer House, located in downtown Halifax, serves as an inclusive community hub providing seniors with support, social activities, and connections to resources, promoting dignified aging in place.
A non-profit, member supported organization with a rich 46 year history of delivering essential support to Seniors and the broader community.
Offering programs such as Meals on Wheels, Recreational Activities, Medical Transport and more.
The main project of the Sackville Seniors' Advisory Council is the Silver & Gold Seniors' Drop-In Centre.
The Drop-In Centre is open to seniors Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Drop in for Tea or coffee and lots of friendly conversation along with card games, bingo, fitness classes, and more are available to all that drop-in.
Medical alert systems and assistive technology
The Department of Health and Wellness offers a variety of programs and services, through Continuing Care, designed to help seniors Live Well at Home. These include the Health Equipment Loan Program, Home Lift Program, Personal Alert Service and more.
The Assistive Devices program through Easter Seals enables people to access a wide variety of refurbished health equipment.
Through the Intouch program, Northwood provides a variety of assistive technology devices to give clients the confidence they need to live independently in their own homes.
Philips Lifeline is an easy-to-use personal response service that enables you to easily call for help 24/7.
TELUS Health offers at home and on the go medical alert devices.
Non-profits and organizations
Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia is here to provide the information, support and education about dementia you are looking for and to help you find programs and services to meet your needs.
Arthritis Society Canada is a national health charity, fueled by donors and volunteers, with a mission to fight the fire of arthritis through research, advocacy, innovation, information and support.
We offer a nationwide support system for people with cancer and their family, friends and caregivers. Access free programs and services that can help manage life with cancer, including our supportive online community, our online and phone-based information specialists and much more.
Caregivers Nova Scotia provides programs, services, and strong advocacy for caregivers.
Diabetes Canadas mission is to prevent diabetes and its complications; help people with diabetes live healthy lives; and work to find a cure.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a national, voluntary, non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the health of Canadians by preventing and reducing disability and death from heart disease and stroke through research, health promotion and advocacy.
The Kidney Foundation provides education and support, including financial assistance, to people living with kidney disease, as well as funding innovative research to improve the prevention and treatment of kidney disease, and ultimately, find a cure.
Parkinson Canada has four main programs: Research, Programs and Services, Awareness, and Advocacy.